Make Sure Your HVAC System Is At Peak Performance

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The changing of the seasons can be the canary in the coal mine for many HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system failures. The warmer months start setting in, we switch the thermostat to cool and nothing but warm air comes out. If you haven’t been prioritizing proper HVAC maintenance, the day you need it working the most could be the day it lets you down.


While this is a minor inconvenience for some, for others, especially those who live in tropical climates, it could be a cause for major concern. Here are a few DIY tips for maintaining your HVAC systems so it is ready for the summer — the heat, the humidity and the hurricanes.


Air Filter Maintenance: Preparing for Heat

Spring can swing into summer without a moment’s notice in tropical and subtropical climates. Making sure your HVAC system is powerful enough to manage the switch requires year-round attention. One of the easiest and most effective tasks any homeowner can do is to change out their air filter every two to three months. A clogged air filter can damage heating and cooling coils and circulates dust and debris through the home, which can obstruct the cool air that should be blowing through your vents


Decreasing Damage: Preparing for Hurricanes

Protecting your HVAC system before, during, and after a hurricane requires a few simple, but crucial, DIY tasks. Before a hurricane approaches, take measures to protect your outdoor HVAC unit from flying debris that can cause physical damage. You can board up the unit or cover it with a tarp. During the storm, shutting off the power to your HVAC unit can help protect it from damaging power surges. After you have ridden out the storm, inspect the outside unit for any damage or obstruction before turning your air conditioning back on.


Moisture in the Air: Preparing for Humidity


Your HVAC system doesn’t remove moisture from the air, though it can help you feel more comfortable in high humid seasons. During these times your HVAC unit is working harder than usual, pumping cooler air in to force the hot, humid air out. You can ease the burden on your system by using a dehumidifier in one or more rooms. Even the inexpensive, basic models can boost your air conditioner’s performance and save on wear and tear from constant use. Excess moisture in the air means you are spending more money by using more energy but not seeing results. What you might be seeing, however, is foggy windows — one of the first signs that your HVAC system is not able to keep up with your humid climate demands. Mold and mildew are other signs — and one all homeowners, especially those with pulmonary conditions or children, will want to avoid. A major mold issue could cost up to $30,000 to resolve.


There are many easy tasks a homeowner can do to enhance the life of their HVAC system, but there are also times when it is best to call in a professional. If your HVAC system isn’t working properly, it’ll usually cost between $188 and $710 to have it fixed in Wellington. Not only is your comfort in your home at stake, but also your investment in your home. If your HVAC system is more than 15 years old, and you are considering putting your home on the market, having a professional give their stamp of approval on your unit could be very appealing and comforting to potential buyers. Most homeowners recoup 35 percent to 50 percent of the initial cost of a new system. That means that regular HVAC maintenance can not only keep you comfortable now, but it can also help you stay confident about your investment for many, many years.

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